Thursday, 11 August 2016

Back to blogging ....

After a very long (and well deserved) break I'm starting to get back to blogging and thinking about the BAPP course and module 2. 

I discovered this picture on the internet and found it really amusing because after I have a break from dancing I always feel really inflexible and stiff (like the little girls in the photo) and is how I can best describe how I feel about coming back to blogging! I'm hoping that the ease for blogging comes back more quickly and easily than my flexibility does ... 

This summer I have had my first real taste of what it's like to be a freelance dancer living independently in London and I have found it does not come without it's challenges. It took me from when I finished my contract in June to the end of July to sort out what kind of work is flexible enough to enable me to continue going to classes and auditions over the summer period and pays well enough for me to afford my rent. I have now (finally) got into the swing of things and it is almost time for me to go back to my company so I am trying to cram as many classes and workouts into my working week as possible before our casting day in September ... help!!

Although I have had a complete switch off this summer I have continued to apply different things I have learnt over module 1 to my professional practice and have found it very useful. I have also done some research into what I might like to further explore in the next module and am looking into the benefits of dance and movement psychology!

Hope everyone has had a good summer break :)