Part 5A -
Initial thoughts:
I decided to make a mind map to help me begin drafting my thoughts about professional ethics. I found this initially quite hard because lots of the points I made are taken for granted within the industry. For example, 'learn and retain choreography', this is taken for granted within the company and no one specifically tells you to do this but it is expected of you as part of your job as a dancer.
I was thinking that our industry also crosses a lot of lines that wouldn't be acceptable in other types of work place. For example, we are wearing costumes and having lots of quick changes meaning that often you will see your colleges in next to no clothes. This is obviously rather unusual for a work place and is just one area where the professional ethics in a theatre arts environment differ to alternative places of work.
Also in a dance environment it is normal for you teacher/choreographer to touch you to give you corrections or ensure you are using you muscles without you giving consent. Again in other work places this would probably be quite unusual!
I will now do some research and reading into the topic of ethics within the work place and it will be interesting for me to compare what I learn to my initial thoughts! I find this a very interesting topic and think that it will be insightful to talk to other BAPP students about it because we work in different places so our points of view on ethics will vary.
Ethics is about how other people experience you. In terms of the inquiry you are looking at how your inquiry will be experienced by others. Also what you are assuming and therefore assuming other people will exact. Try to relate this to what you are doing not general. Ethics is more than about right and wrong/ good and bad it is also about how you connect to people and why.