Monday, 5 December 2016

Skype with Adesola

After a pretty manic week on tour being away in different hotels every night I was really looking forward to my Skype session this morning with Adesola to get me back on track with my work. After sending her my bullet pointed draft last week I was ready to talk through her written advice and apply it to my work.

I am a lot clearer about what I want to include in my plan and where I want to take my inquiry. And speaking through my ideas really helped. I voiced my concerns on areas I was less confident and also about how I was feeling in regards to time management in module three. When planning my inquiry I need to be realistic about what I can achieve in the time frame and bare this in mind when deciding which tools of inquiry best suit my circumstances.

My topics to talk about with Adesola were:

1) Is my title OK> Broad enough? Not limiting myself?
2) Clarify about what data collection is, literature review and analysis. (This was in regards to her notes on my draft)
3) Bit confused about aims and objectives.
4) Interest in mindfulness and how to incorporate within inquiry.

I am looking forward to joining the first Tuesday of the month Skype tomorrow!

Thanks for the chat Adesola.

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