After having a bit of a break from BAPP over Christmas I have come back to looking at my work and inquiry with a fresh outlook. After re-reading my module 2 inquiry plan and looking over my feedback I can identify areas I need to work on.
These are:
- Ethical considerations - Although I feel a lot clearer about this topic than I did initially I obviously need to do further work in this area because this was one point Adesola identified in my inquiry that wasn't so in depth.
- Reading more scholarly articles about research inquiry methodology.
- Making sure I don't trap myself in my own bubble and continue to look at other literature regarding medicine and science in dance while not solely focusing on statistics.
- Take an EMBODIED approach towards my research.
I am looking forward to arranging a Skype session with Adesola to talk about her feedback and how I am going to use it constructively to help me profess through module 3.
I found this interesting link about gantt charts to help with organisational skills of Chloe's blog so I will try to incorporate this in my planning of my work throughout module 3.
In the module 3 reader there is a very interesting diagram which I have found helpful in terms of seeing where my work should be heading throughout this module of study!
Stage 1:
Review feedback from inquiry plan. Read module handbook and reader part 7.
Stage 2:
Literature review and gaining permission to carry out inquiry and any associated activities.
Stage 3.
Carry out inquiry and activities.
Stage 4:
Analyse findings.
Stage 5:
Complete assessment - critical review, professional artefact, oral presentation.
I am going to make an in-depth plan of action for module 3 so I can manage to juggle my work load with my performance schedule on tour and make sure I can gather all of the necessary literature I need for my inquiry.
I am excited for module 3 to start and to see where myself and other fellow BAPP student end up on our journeys of discovery.
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