I have been working as a professional ballet dancer with the Vienna Festival Ballet Company for exactly a month today. This has been very exciting for me, as after having a hip operation I have had some doubts about whether I would still be able to pursue a career in dance let alone ballet, which is commonly known to be very tough on your whole body (not just your toes). My first month in the company has definitely had its ups and downs and I have already learnt a lot and I think I will be able to use many of my experiences to help me with this degree. One thing that I have been repeatedly thinking about is how company life differs from school. How in some ways school helps you prepare for professional life and in some ways the two are so different. I have also been thinking about professional relationships within the company and how when working in a small company it is very important to maintain good relationships with colleuges. Especially in a ballet company because this kind of thing could affect the company's performance. I have also been thinking about how vitally important preparation is! The phrase 'failure to prepare, prepare to fail' springs to mind which is why I have used it as the title for this blog post. Everything from sewing pointe shoes, ensuring you have the right make up for different performances and prepping food for the following day all play a vital role in being a prepared company member.
It will be interesting to me to hear about other people's experiences about the transition from school to company or working life, so if anyone has an opinion on this subject please comment on this post. Also if anyone has any tips on how to be prepared for performances and shows and looking after your body whilst on tour.
Thanks Maddie - I notice you have been looking and commenting on others blogs - e.g. Taz. I agree about preparation - it is key to many components of professional practice. https://www.danceuk.org/resources/professional-practice/
ReplyDeleteHey Maddy. I think preparation is essential whether it is for an audition with your material, warming up etc; head shots with your clothing and make up; a first day of rehearsals by having read through the script or listened to the score etc. For me personally, I'd be interested in looking at how over preparation could potentially hinder us. Sometimes, the more and more I rehearse a move or read through a script, the worse it gets and the more forced my choices become within a scene.nover preparation linking in with over analysing. I think it could also make someone less responsive to notes or direction if they have prepared material so much in a particular way. Sometimes for audition I purposely, once I have sufficiently prepared, stop myself from going over and over my songs, my outfit selection etc. I think it is possible to under and over prepare. Be interesting to hear your thoughts! :)
ReplyDeleteHey Megan! Sorry I completely missed this comment!!!! Yes absolutely! I hadn't really thought about that when writing this post but you are definitely right. I think there is a fine line between being prepared and then over-thinking. Sometimes I do this before going on stage and will be thinking so much about the details of the movements that I actually forget the steps .. not good haha! Thanks for your comment it's really interesting to hear other people's thoughts! Maddy :)