Monday, 14 March 2016

Task 1d: 2d images

I will be the first person to put my hand up and admit that I am a bit of an Instagram addict. I am definitely guilty of spending perhaps too much time scrolling through my Instagram feed as it is by far my preferred form of social media. I like the fact that you can be artistic with your feed and the way you share photos with friends and other followers. Instagram is the only online image bank I use but I am thinking about setting up a Flickr account for the purpose of learning how another site works differently.

Here is the link to my personal Instagram account where I post pictures of all kinds of things I am interested in. It features a lot of food and dancing pictures and photos of my friends and family.

I have recently posted a picture of my very messy dressing room and also a photo of myself and two of my colleagues before a performance of Coppelia. 

Personally I use instagram for a number of different things. I use it to follow friends and keep connected with them and sharing photos. Lots of my friends are also in the dance and performance industry so it is nice to see what they have been up to and photos of their work.

I also follow a number of health and fitness bloggers because this is something I am interested in and often if there is a new post on their blogs they will post a link to it via their Instagram page. I also sometimes find out about health and fitness events via Instagram and have won a few competitions from Instagram. For example tickets to the OM Yoga Show at Alexandra Palace and I also won a months online membership with Barrecore both through Instagram competitions. 

Many companies use Instagram as a way of marketing and self promotion. Most big companies nowadays will have a social media manager and it is interesting that there are now jobs being created from social media whereas several years ago this would have been unheard of. I think that our world is becoming so fast paced and everything is so instantly accessible that Instagram is a very good way for companies to advertise because they can make a visual impression on a potential customer immediately without costing them much time. 

I follow many dance companies and dancers to keep connected with my industry through social media. I have included some screen shots of a few companies and Instagram pages that I find interesting and relevant to my profession. 


  1. Hi Maddy! I agree instagram can be very addictive! Your instagram profile is great, do you have separate work and private profiles? Having an open profile, are you conscious of what you are posting?

    1. Hi Victoria! No I only have the one .. I did think about setting up separate ones but decided against it in the end. I tend to just post more social things on Instagram and actually I probably should be more careful what I am posting online .. I feel as though there is a bit of a false sense of security on the internet and you don't actually know who is viewing your profile, which is quite scary!
