Monday, 21 March 2016


I have been thinking about how I could improve my use of Web 2.0 to progress in my profession and thought I could begin by updating my profile on LinkedIn and Network Dance. I created my LinkedIn account a while ago mainly out of curiosity and partly because I wanted to stop recieving emails from people requesting me to 'join their network'! But since creating this profile I hadn't logged into the account nor updated my information so I haven't really used this platform to it's advantage. I have now updated my account information added work history. I find it very clever the way LinkedIn works and finds mutual connections and people working within the same industry. LinkedIn now tells me that my account is of 'expert' standard so I believe I now have enough information on my profile. The link to my profile is below.

While browsing the LinkedIn site and adding my interests I cam across this article about instagram and found it an interesting read. It explains how Instagram is developing and your feed will no longer be chronological, it will be an algorithmically calculated feed. This triggered my thinking about how other social media sites will be changing and what people think about change! It would be interesting to hear other peoples thoughts about this article.


  1. Hi Maddie! I am contemplating whether creating another media account would be of benefit, since I am already part of a few like instagram, facebook, twitter, pinterest and network dance (which I need to update) ... what is the difference between LinkedIn and the other networks?

    1. Sorry it's taken me a while to reply! LinkedIn is just a more professional version of Facebook - I guess thats the easiest way to describe it! You pretty much have your CV as your profile for everyone to see and you can list your skills, training and experience. It is a great way to network I think!
